Sunday, February 24, 2008

I made it to China!

Well, I finally made it to China. I still can't believe that I am here. It is a whole new experience for me. I've settled into my apartment, seen downtown Weifang City, shopped in Walmart, bought a DVD, found I'm only teaching 4 hours this coming week (I think I might just go crazy!), and wishing I had brought a scarf because it is really cold here.

I have begun to use chopsticks - a whole new experience for me - and I haven't starved yet! I'm actually doing pretty well with it. Well, the chinese people here say that as they laugh at me. But at least the food is getting into my mouth! LOL. I start teaching tomorrow morning at 9:55am. Each class is 2 hours long and I have only one class tomorrow. Then nothing until Saturday morning. Talk about a long break! I took a couple pictures, which I will try to post them sometime soon, so you can see what Weifang City looks like....nothing much to look at though. It might just be that it is winter and everything looks dead in the winter time.


Ro said...

Good job Sariah! Glad you made it ok. Can't wait to see some pictures. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hola Sariah Can't wait to see more pictures Shark plz